10:24 PM

Ecuador Itinerary

The Ecuador team launches out in only 9 hours now. I know many of you will be praying for our trip so I wanted to let you in on the happenings...

Day 1 - Depart Atlanta to Miami. Depart Miami to Quito, Ecuador late in the evening.
Day 2 - Depart Quito by bus and Arrive in Sucua, Ecuador in afternoon.
Day 3 - VBS for 600+ kids, construction work.
Day 4 - VBS for 600+ kids, construction work.
Day 5 - VBS for 600+ kids, construction work.
Day 6 - VBS for 600+ kids, construction work. I will be preaching the PM service.
Day 7 - VBS for 600+ kids, construction work.
Day 8 - Depart Sucua by bus and arrive in Quito late in the evening.
Day 9 - Depart Quito and arrive in Atlanta in the evening.

Our team is looking forward to a great time of service and ministry. We will be sharing testimonies, dramas, skits, and I will be ministering the Word on Wednesday night. For the VBS we will be bringing kids from the nearby villages each night. Our construction teams will be finishing work on a home that a pastor is being placed in.

Thank you for your prayers. We will post pictures and video when we return.

It's Going to be Worth It!
