During our 5.4.09 Cultivate TV Broadcast we gave you a list of resources to make your ministry easier and more effective. Below are the list of resources. Please use and enjoy!
- Open.Lifechurch.tv - sermon series, outlines, notes, lower thirds, videos, illustrations, print, graphics, and more!
- SimplyYouthMinistry.com/freebies.html - sermons, small groups, games, drama, media, discipleship, training, forms, images, and more!
- SermonCentral.com - free sermons and more!
- OpenResources.org - sermon audio, countdowns, promotional design graphics, message series, and more!
- StuffICanUse.com - message series, images, video, powerpoint, and more!
- CreativeMYK.com - high quality graphics
- MovieTools.info - motion background loops, lower thirds, motion objects, and more!
- MuddyRiverMedia.org - Backgrounds, loops, countdowns, images, videos, and more!
- WingClips.com - movie clip illustrations and more!
- BlueFishTV.com - $1.99 video illustrations and more!
- SermonSpice.com - high quality video illustrations and more!
- PewResearch.org - numbers, facts, and figures shaping our world.
- BibleGateway.com - online Bible
- YouVersion.com - online interactive Bible
- Cultivate -
Thanks Brandon!
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