11:47 AM


In April of 2007 MTV aired a new hit show called scarred. The show ran for two seasons showing teenagers injured in skateboarding accidents.

Week after week ankles, arms, and legs were broken. One thing was common for each injured person, they would all walk away with scars.

We all may not be flying through the air on skateboards breaking bones, but just like these thrill seekers we all have scars. Simply living life causes damage to our lives that often leave scars. Scars can exist in three different ways...

1. Physical
2. Emotional
3. Spiritual

Regardless of where your scars come from or the damage they have caused, there is one who was scarred for us. Jesus Christ took the ultimate punishment so that our scars can be healed. There are three things I would like to submit that Jesus scars bring to us...

1. Belief - Read the account of Thomas in John 20. He said he would not believe that Jesus had appeared again until he saw the nail marks and the hole in his side. That's exactly what happened! Thomas believed when he saw!

2. Forgiveness - In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins... Ephesians 1:7. Because of His scars, we are forgiven.

3. Healing
- ...by His wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

Because of Jesus scars we can BELIEVE in life, love, hope, and goodness. We can be forgiven, and most importantly forgive. We can be healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Thankful for His Scars!



Mitchell Capps said...

"Your Story will cause others to Believe" I'll chalk that one up in my quote book. I'm so thankful for his scars to. I feel like my scars are so mild in comparison to others, but I've still got them, and I wouldn't doubt more to come. I'm still a youngster. God is good and I'll make it through everyone with a scar, which is a healed wound, but still a visible reminder.