9:09 PM

Songs in the Jungles of Ecuador

What an amazing trip! God blessed our entire team with safe travels and many life changing moments.

17 people boarded a plane Friday, June 26th headed to Sucua Ecuador. Our task were to help complete projects at a home for girls, help conduct a Vacation Bible School, and finish construction of a pastors home. Returning home on Sunday, July 5th all tasks were complete.

There are many stories I could share from the trip. Seeing God work in the lives of our teammates, the hundreds of kids we encountered, and so much more. However, there is one experience in particular I would like to share.

Hundreds of kids attended the VBS each night. Kids were coming by truck and bus load. One night after VBS I had the chance to ride in the back of a truck surrounded by fifty kids. With barely breathing room I crammed into the truck for what was a normal day for the kids, but eye opening for me.

The truck would take us into the jungle down dirt roads and literally the middle of nowhere. At one point we came to a suspension bridge that hung high above the river. All the kids had to get out of the truck and walk across because the bridge could not support the weight of the bridge and the truck. After crossing, the kids climbed back into the truck to continue the journey.

After crossing the first bridge we came to another, and once again everyone got out. This time the driver got out as well and walked to the bridge made of bamboo, boards, and rocks. The driver proceeds to reposition the boards, place rocks under them, and anything else to enhance the support. The driver and kids slowly walked across the bridge to test it's stability, climbed back into the truck, and away we went.

At this point it is pitch black outside with only headlights frome the truck. We began to slow down and come to a stop. Two kids no older than the age of 7 climbed out of the truck and started walking into the woods. These two children had another two hour walk through the dark woods just to get home. We continued our trip a little farther reaching a village community where all the kids would get out of the truck and return to what were only shells of a home.

The feeling of unbelief and hurt for those children was overwhelming. The real punch in the gut is the fact that the entire truck full of kids were singing from the moment we left VBS to the moment they got home.

All I can say is no matter what your circumstances are today. No matter what your problems are. Remember that above it all we are truly blessed. We all have hurts and dissappointments, but God is still God no matter what is going on around us. Living in totaly poverty those kids could still smile, laugh, sing, and love. And even though life has handed them what it has, they still love God.

Today I encourage you to smile, laugh, sing, and love. And even though your circumstances may be what they are, love God. There is something to learn from the children, singing songs in the jungles of Ecuador.

Just Sing!



April said...

Awesome realization Pastor Brandon, I will remember this when I am feeling sorry for my situation!

Mitchell Capps said...

"Just Sing" I love it. Man Pastor, the night you came back I could tell. They've got every reason to feel sorry for themselves, but they are singing. That's God for you ladies and gentlemen.